When did you join SMG?
20th July 2019
Describe your role in a nutshell...
I work within the Lobster client team, supporting clients and helping them to improve their
shopper marketing capabilities and gain a positive return on their investment. I manage my
clients’ post-campaign evaluations to help them understand if their campaign was a
success and highlight areas of improvement. Alongside this, I am also involved in media
buying and campaign planning.
Tell us what you enjoy most about working here?
I joined Lobster as a graduate and had no prior knowledge of shopper marketing.
Therefore, coming into a role I didn’t know a lot about felt quite daunting, however the team made me feel really welcome and helped me out whenever I had questions. The company culture is great!
What aspects of your role keep you challenged and curious?
My role here at Lobster is incredibly diverse, I work on a number of different client projects, therefore no day is the same. I enjoy learning new skills and adapting to different working environments.
Which of the four SMG values resonates most with you and why?
A value that really resonates with me is ‘stay foolish’ - it’s important to continuously
investigate new avenues that might not be the traditional way of working, in order to keep
challenging the industry.
What is the most useful piece of advice you've received since joining SMG?
To make sure I really understood what shopper marketing is and what SMG can offer
clients that other agencies can’t.